Sunday, February 8, 2009

Initial Idea 2

1. Which topic area is this proposal for?

Crime and the Media

2. What is the suggested focus?

How the perception of crime is challenged through documentaries particularly Louis Theroux

3. Do you have an idea for a question/problematic?

How do documentaries attempt to challenge the public's perception of criminals?

I've found the whole box set on DVD (which solves the accessibility problem) here:

4. Why would you choose this?

Louix Theroux does try to challenge perception (especially in 'The Strange And The Dangerous') whereas most broadcasters follow stereotypes and the danger is always removed in the making of the documentary. I think it'd be interesting to see how he does challenge expectations and if he is successful.

5. Do you have any concerns or are there any limitations to this proposal?

None that I can think of right now, maybe just that if I was to use more than one of his documentaries there'd be too much content so I'd have to pick one.
Again, I want to study Law, and there will be topics on criminal law which I will have to study so my findings from this might be relevant for me later.

6. Can you rate it on a sliding scale 1- 5 (5 being great proposal, 0 being lousy proposal)

Err... 4.5